Collection: Picky Eaters & Food Aversions


Underlying sensory issues can cause a child to have food aversions, which simply means they avoids certain foods. These children may be over-sensitive or under-sensitive to foods. For a child with over-sensitivity to foods, foods that are slightly lumpy can feel like they contain large chunks, causing a child to feel sick or nauseous. For children with under-sensitivity, they may be unable to taste any flavor when eating. We give you and your child a fun, non-threatening way to work on sensory issues, with the goal of increasing sensory tolerance and reducing fear of textures through play-based strategies. LEARN MORE...


What is your biggest struggle when dealing with your picky eater? Common sensory issues associated with with picky eaters may look like:

  • Becoming fussy/irritable during meals

  • Only eating a few favorite foods 

  • Refusing to try new foods

  • Gagging 

Whatever the situation may be, the use of food textures (such as pasta, spaghetti, rice, peas/beans, oatmeal, etc.) during sensory play, can help your child with smelling and touching in a playful manner. As a child engages in age-appropriate food exploration, they will become more comfortable and more interested in exploring foods & textures in general.

Occupational therapists commonly introduce guided sensory play to help a child increase tolerance to textures, in order to reduce a fear of foods. Sensory Together gives you and your child a fun, non-threatening way to work on sensory issues, with the goal of increasing sensory tolerance and reducing fear of textures through play-based strategies. Food play is the way to guide your child’s sensory development and build positive pathways in the brain. This allows the child to feel safe and not scared to engage in non-preferred foods. LEARN MORE...


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